Each 1-pound bottle of honey is local, unprocessed, and bottled straight from our hives. Taste the sweetness of honey gathered by our bees and bottled right here in Williamsburg, VA
We DO NOT ship honey.
Three-pound package of Italian Honey Bees (approx. 10,000 bees). The package includes a queen - select the option to have her marked to easily locate her (a dot placed on the queen). You will receive an email(s) with information on picking up your bees as the date approaches.
We offer mated queen Italian honey bees. They will be available in March at the same time as our packages. You do not need to order an extra queen with a package (unless you just need another queen). You will receive an email(s) with information on picking up your queen as Spring approaches.
This combination starter set includes all the woodenware you need to get started in beekeeping and the honey bees raised in your equipment as a nuc. This is our easiest way to begin beekeeping! And, the queen is marked for free! This starter set includes:
You will receive an email when your nuc is ready in April/May (weather dependent). At the same time, we will provide you with your equipment.